Close to the customer

Minguella SL is based at 156 Km from Barcelona, at 140 Km from Zaragoza and at 100 Km from Tarragona. We have excellent· road to access at any city. Lleida has a strategic geographic position within Catalonia and Spain.

We have a base delegation in Monzón (Huesca), and we cover the area of Barbastro and Binefa. Moreover, our delegations in Reus and Sant Cugat del Vallès get us easy access to Tarragona and Barcelona.

We also reach the Pyrenees of Lleida with the local based we have in Vielha, so we cover with our services in the Vall d’Aran and Pallars.

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    Minguella Lleida-Pirineus
    LL-11 Km. 7
    25191 Lleida
    T. 973 20 82 82


    Monzón, Tarragona & Barcelona

    24/7 emergency

    902 20 10 50

    Do you want to work with us?

    At Grues Minguella we need trained people willing to be part of a capable and professional team.


      Driving license

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